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  • Current Division Students Pre-Enrol

    Current Division Students Pre-Enrol

    Pre-enrol in SchoolZone 

    Get ready for the 2024–25 school year! Sign in to your parent SchoolZone account between February 1 and March 22 to select your child’s preferred school for next year. 

    Whether your child is staying at the same school or changing schools, all students need to pre-enrol. Knowing how many students to expect helps schools prepare to welcome them in September.

    Trouble Logging In To SchoolZone?

    If you are unable to login to your parent SchoolZone account, or need assistance making your selection, please contact the school office at 780-469-6682 or by email at waverley@epsb.ca.

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  • New Student Registration 2025-2026

    If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, registration is completed online. New student registrations for the 2025–26 school year opened on February 3, 2025. Please click HERE to complete the online registration.

    To ensure placement at your preferred school, please complete your registration by 4:00 PM on March 19, 2025. Applications received after this date may limit your options to schools with available space.

    Kindergarten Registration:
    Children who turn five years old on or before December 31, 2025, are eligible to register for Kindergarten. Families have the option to enroll their child as soon as they are eligible or defer enrollment by one year if preferred. To register your child for Kindergarten, please click HERE. Please note that you may pre-enroll at only one school.

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  • Waverley Cogito Program Resources

    Waverley Cogito Program Resources

    Welcome to Waverley School’s Cogito Program resource hub! Below, you’ll find key documents to help guide your understanding of our structured, academic-focused program. Click the links below to access each document.

    Cogito Enrolment Information - Learn about the enrolment process and requirements for the Cogito Program

    Cogito Program Handbook - 2025 - A comprehensive guide outlining the philosophy, expectations, and structure of the Cogito Program.

    Cogito Homework Handbook - 2025 - Detailed guidelines on homework expectations and strategies for success in the Cogito Program.


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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.




Principal's Message

Hello Waverley families,

Welcome to a new year of learning!  Waverley is a welcoming and inclusive school where diversity is valued and celebrated and where relationships are grown through connection and acceptance.  At Waverley we are committed to providing high-quality public education that serves the community and empowers each student to live a life of dignity, fulfillment, empathy and possibility. Through our caring, family approach, we foster a safe and respectful school community where we see our diversity as strength.  

Our staff has been working hard getting the school shiny and looking like new, enrolling students into their new classes and preparing engaging lessons and activities for students.  The excitement, as well as the nervousness, your child may be feeling is felt by all the adults in the building as well.  Each year provides a new beginning, new things to learn, new ways to grow and new relationships to forge.  Our staff strive to work in partnership with parents and caregivers.  As a team we can do so much more for our students!  Please consider joining our Parent Council or Parent Fundraising Committee.  The commitment is not substantial but the impact these groups have is!

Communication is key in building our team of school staff and families.  Accessing SchoolZone is an essential part of this as it is our main source of communication.  If you do not have a current username and password for Schoolzone please contact the school office and we will provide one for you.

Should you wish to reach out please do not hesitate to contact me anytime by phone at 780-469-6682 or via email at jen.wilson@epsb.ca 

Our team is excited for this school year and the possibilities!

Yours in partnership,

Jen Wilson



Welcome Waverley families! We are looking forward to a new start to the school year and
welcome all of you back to Waverley on Thursday, August 29th. 

Welcome Letter

Construction Update

Please be aware of the ongoing EPCOR drainage project around Waverley School.  We will have a plan in place for pick up and drop off of students before school begins and will communicate that information here. Parents will see further updated information on SchoolZone regarding construction once school begins on August 29th.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we do our best to work around this construction to ensure the safety of our families and our staff.

Flood Mitigation Project 2022-08-09