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Cogito Program

We are excited to announce the expansion of our Cogito program, with Grade 4 launching in 2025-26, Grade 5 in 2026-27, and Grade 6 in 2027-28. Our school is equipped with exceptional resources to support the unique needs of every student. We value and encourage a strong partnership between home and school to promote student achievement, foster success, and cultivate a positive, collaborative community spirit.

Cogito is a knowledge-based program with clearly defined standards of achievement and measurable learning objectives. Cogito is dedicated to helping average students maximize their academic potential. Cogito (ko-gi-to) is Latin for, I reason. The program provides a Classic Liberal Arts Education and is designed for the student who is willing to work to achieve a high level of academic excellence in a knowledge-based program, and in a teacher-directed atmosphere of structured and sequenced learning. Critical thinking is stressed. Students work in an environment that promotes self-discipline.

The unique program characteristics include:

  • Enriched core curriculum
  • Sequenced knowledge content, with emphasis on mastery learning
  • Focus on attention and increased concentration
  • Early literacy developed through explicit phonics instruction
  • Explicit spelling and grammar instruction
  • Strong mental and written math skill development that emphasizes computational and problem solving skills
  • Teachers oriented to a classical approach
  • Direct, whole group instruction
  • Strong work-ethic expected
  • Regular homework required
  • Committed parental support

Cogito Foundational Principles

 Please visit the Edmonton Public Schools Cogito Alternative Program website for helpful program information.


Waverley Cogito Program Resources

Welcome to Waverley School’s Cogito Program resource hub! Below, you’ll find key documents to help guide your understanding of our structured, academic-focused program. Click the links below to access each document.

Cogito Enrolment Information - Learn about the enrolment process and requirements for the Cogito Program

Cogito Program Handbook - 2025 - A comprehensive guide outlining the philosophy, expectations, and structure of the Cogito Program.

Cogito Homework Handbook - 2025 - Detailed guidelines on homework expectations and strategies for success in the Cogito Program.