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Lunch & Nutrition

Waverley School offers a supervised lunch program for students in Grades 1 to 6. This program provides structured, adult supervision while students eat their lunch and remain in designated lunch areas until the bell rings.

All students who stay for lunch are required to register for the lunch-time supervision service, including those who use the service on a drop-in basis, families exempt from paying fees, or families whose fees have been reduced or waived. The lunch registration form is available on SchoolZone or by contacting the school office for assistance.

Information about lunch supervision fees and other school fees can be found on our website under the “Fees” section. Families directed to Waverley by the Division (either because it is their designated attendance area school or a Division Centre for special needs) and who also pay yellow bus transportation fees are exempt from paying lunch fees. However, families who choose to attend Waverley from outside their designated attendance area are responsible for both lunch-time supervision fees and yellow bus transportation fees.

Waverley’s lunch program operates on a cost-recovery basis, as mandated by Edmonton Public Schools. Fees must be paid on time for students to participate in the program. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a safe and positive lunch environment for all students.